The story of the miners’ house Giser
See how a dilapidated house can live again! Read about the first inhabitants of the Giser House and learn about the process of gradual renovation that is being run by ID20 Institute.
Giser House
In the immediate vicinity of the Gewerkenegg Castle, the miners’ house Giser has been standing on a steep slope for two centuries – a veritable witness to the unique residential culture of the mining town of Idrija.
Plans for a new life
The Giser House is slowly on its way to a new life. It is becoming a memorial to the centuries of residential tradition of Idrija miners, where the rich cultural heritage can be experienced first hand.
Two centuries of tradition
Many generations of miners’ families called the Giser House their home and left an indelible mark on the building.
What can the objects tell us
The Giser House is a treasure trove of objects left behind by its former inhabitants. Over the past 200 years or so, the skilful hands of the mining owners have exchanged many tools that demonstrate the local people’s connection with the mine and nature.
The house lives
Since 2021, numerous groups and individuals have visited the Giser House to learn about its history, learn new skills and contribute to its preservation through their volunteer work.
prenovo hiše Giser
Podprite projekt prenove hiše Giser. Pomagajte ohraniti kulturno dediščino!
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300 €
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