The ID20 Institute wanted to prevent the demise of another mining house, so intimately linked to the former mining town. Through our projects and activities, we are educating future generations about the importance of using natural materials in construction and the need for improvements in the built heritage and the built environment.
Youthful Heritage: what did the volunteers do in the summer of 2022?
In June and July 2022, 12 volunteers from all over Europe took part in the renovation of the authentic Giser miners’ house in Idrija. From repairing stairs and walls, to gardening and refurbishing furniture. See how the work on the Giser House went during the hot summer months!
Youth for Mining Heritage: How we landscaped around the miners’ house Giser
In the summer of 2021, together with our mentor Leonora Jakovljević and volunteers from all over Europe, we drew up a plan for the landscaping of the Giser House. See how we took care of the essentials around the house in the video below!
Youth for Mining Heritage: How the miners’ house Giser garden was created
The south side of the Giser House is adorned with a garden that has been restored to its original appearance in cooperation with international volunteers and local residents. The red roses in front of the house and other native species around the house are thriving again!
Youth for Mining Heritage: How the lusthaus was brought to life
Ob idrijskih rudarskih hišah so pogosto stali manjši pomožni objekti, ute, največkrat pa vrtne lope ali kot jih rečemo v Idriji lusthausi. Poglejte si kako smo s pomočjo prostovoljcev obnovili lusthaus ob hiši Giser!
Youth for Mining Heritage: How we discovered the Idrija heritage
The 12 volunteers who took part in the renovation of the miners’ house Giser in June and July 2021 first set off on a tour of the streets of Idrija. See how they discovered Idrija’s rich 500-year heritage and learned about the history of Idrija’s miners’ houses!