[BLOG] Youth and “andecha”
Sergio’s account of his volunteering experience in Idrija and life in his hometown of Mieres.

The Giser House Revived with the Help of International Volunteers
Young people preserve the cultural heritage of Idrija through solidarity assistance.

[BLOG] Stories from our volunteers
Read about this years volunteers from the “Respect the past – build bridges of the future” project .

International volunteers back in Idrija
On August 17th to September 4th, 2023, we are hosting the third international volunteer action.

Up to Kanomlja We Go!
The breezy and foggy morning of the 24th of June did not prevent the volunteers from heading to Šturmajce, a...

[BLOG] Why is a garden important?
Urša discusses the importance of gardens and the landscaping of the Giser house garden.

[BLOG] Miners’ Houses and Settlements Across Europe
Prostovoljka Timea je našla kup zanimivih primerov iz cele Evrope!

[BLOG] The Role of Green Spaces in Cities
Timea and Joost discuss why cities are not just shopping centers.

[BLOG] Idrija as a City of the Future
In this blog, Linnea and Diego share their perspectives on Idrija.